HAWAN is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
háwan v {1} [A; b] clear an area. Hawáni ang nataran sa mga sagbut, Clean the weeds out of the yard. Hawáni ang lamísa, Clear the table. Hawáni ang kawáyan sa mga tunuk, Clear the thorns o? the bamboo. Gihawánan ang plása sa mga táwu, The people were driven out of the plaza. {2} [B] for an area to become clear. Miháwan dáyun ang sinihan dihang may mising-git kaláyu, The moviehouse emptied instantly when s. o. yelled fire. a for a place to be emptied or cleared. Háwan ang asíras basta gabíi, The sidewalks are empty in the evening. Adtu sila magbaskit sa háwan, They play basketball in the empty area. Háwan ang mga búkid dinhi, The mountains here have been deforested. n area of ground that has been cleared. -an() {1} living room. {2} floorspace or anything enclosed.