PISU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
písu peso, the Philippine unit of currency (singular). Un písu, One peso. {2} peso bill. Duha ka písu, Two peso bills. {3} kuntra usa ka dakù [so-and-so] is nothing (a penny) as compared with s. o. else who is s.t. (a peso). Ngánung ashan pa nímug súkul nà nga písu ka man kuntra usa ka dakù? Why do you have to bother fighting with that bum whos nothing but so much trash compared to you? -s peso. Pila ni? Písus? Dus písus? How much is this? A peso? Two pesos? v {1} [B56; a2] cost a peso. Nagpísus na ang kílu sa kamátis, Tomatoes cost a peso a kilogram. Pisúsa lang ni, Let me have it for a peso. {2} [A123S] receive a scolding. Makapisus ka sa ímung gibúhat, Youll get a scolding for what you did. maN-, maN-() costing a peso each. v [a12] {1} price s.t. at a peso. {2} change s.t. into one-peso notes. maN-un n {1} the one-peso kind. {2} one-peso bills.