PALUT is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
pálut v {1} [A; b] peel skin o? . Gipalútan ku na ang mansánas, I peeled the apple. {2} [B2] for the skin to get chafed. Napálut (mipálut) ang líug sa kábaw tungud sa yúgu, The yoke chafed the water bu? alos neck. {3} [AB12] for land to become bare. Napálut ang kaumahan kay way ulan, The fields became bare from lack of rain. {3a} [A; b5] shave the head bald. Akuy mupálut sa ímung úlu ug dì ka magpatupi ánang ímung bítul, Ill shave your head bald if you dont get rid of your Beatle cut. n peelings. a bare of vegetation. Kanúnay kitang bahaan kay pálut na ang kabukíran, We have constant floods because the mountains have been denuded. ságing banana peel, said esp. in stating that s.t. is of no more worth than a banana peel. Ngánung wà man ku kunsultahi. Unsa man ku, pálut ságing? Why was I not consulted? What am I around here, anyway? Just a piece of furniture? () n {1} sorely chafed area. {2} scar on the head. Nakítà ang palut sa íyang úlu, You can see the scar on his head. a having a bald spot on it. Ang sal-ing palut ug úlu, The coleto bird has a bald spot on the head.