SULU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
súlu (not without l) v [A; a12] {1} sing a solo. Sulúhun ku lang ang kanta, I will make this song a solo. {2} do s.t. alone by oneself. Musúlu lang ku ug trabáhu kay aku ra may nía, I will just work by myself because I am the only one around. {2a} sulúha expression of harsh rejection when s. o. asks for ones company. Manan-aw tag sini. Sulúha! Lets go to the movies. Go by yourself! n vocal solo. sulusúlu v [A1; b5] do s.t. alone. Magsulusúlu lang kag adtu sa parti? Are you going to the party alone? pláyit v [A1] go s.w. alone. Magsúlu pláyit siya ig-adtu sa Mindanaw, He will go to Mindanao alone. -wist, -wista n soloist, lead singer or player of a group. v [a12] be, be made the soloist.