SUBAD is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
subad v [A; a12] {1} devour a prey and swallow it. Subarun ka sa dagkung isdà ug mahúlug ka sa dágat, The big fish will devour you if you fall in the sea. {2} eat (said humorously of oneself or contemptuously of others). Maáyu ka lang musubad ug pagkáun apan tapulan ka, Youre good at eating, but when it comes to work youre no good. Musubad kug bisan unsa, Ill eat anything. {3} [A23; a12] be gullible enough to swallow s.t. Musubad dáyun nà siyag hambúgan, She believes any tall story told to her. nga way paun = kubit nga way paun. see kubit. n fish caught by hook and line. () n the period when fish bite. Súbad run sa núkus, This is the time the squids are biting. subadsúbad v [A3; b6] for fish to start to bite. Misubadsúbad na ang isdà run, The fish are starting to bite now. paN- v [A2] {1} for fish to be biting. Dì pa manubad ang isdà kay dì patay ang búlan, The fish are not biting yet because the moon is still out bright. {2} prey on, upon. Unsa may manubad sa pisù, sawa u iring? What was preying on the chicks? A snake or a cat? maN-r- n wild animal that preys for its food. see also manbad.