MANGHUD is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
manghud n younger brother, sister. a {1} younger in age than s. o. else. Manghud ka nákug duha ka túig, You are two years younger than I am. {2} less in intensity. Ang íyang pátid manghud lag diyútay sa pátid sa kabáyung simarun, His kick was just a little less than a wild horses. Ang ímung tíngug manghud lag diyútay sa hunghung, Your voice is just a little softer than a whisper. v [A1; b(1)] have a younger brother or sister. Pilay idad sa nagmanghud ning batáa? How old is the child just before this one? Anus-a man nà siya manghúri? When are you going to have another baby (lit. when is he go-ing to have a younger brother or sister)? ig- n younger brother or sister. Kanang mga gagmayng bátà pulus níya igmanghud, Those little children are all his younger brothers and sisters. kamanghúran, kinamanghúran n youngest child.