HURAR is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
hurar v {1} [A2; c] surrender, give oneself up to anothers power or control. Ug ikay makigláyug nákù dì ku muhurar nímu, If you want to fight me, I will not surrender to you. {1a} [A23; b6] make attempts at reconciliation by being the first to speak. Nag-úlì na mi kay mihurar siya nákù, We have made up now because she spoke to me. {2} make an oath to do s.t. Mihurar ang tistígu sa pagtug-an sa tinúud, The witness swore to tell the truth. Mihurar siya pagkamayur, He took the oath of o? ce to become mayor. n one who has surrendered. húrat v [A; b(1)] look at s. o. fiercely or show s.t. to s. o. to intimidate him. Gipaguwà níla ang ílang armalayits arun sa paghúrat sa mga butanti, They brought out their rifles to in-timidate the voters. Mikúrug ku dihang gihurátan ku sa bágis, I trembled when the toughie glowered at me. n display of s.t. that threatens.