BAG-U is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
bag-u a {1} new. -ng Túgun New Testament. {2} modern. Ang mga batan-un sa bag-ung panahun agrisíbu, The youth nowadays is aggressive. -ng túbù the modern generation. -ng túig New Year. {3} recently, just now. Bag-u siyang abut, He is a new arrival here. Bag-u pa siyang milakaw, He just left. Bag-u pang gabíi pagsaka sa kawatan, It was early evening when the thief entered. karung recently, of late. Gidugù siya karung bag-u, She recently menstruated. v {1} [B2] be, be-come new. Mubag-u (mabag-u) nga tan-áwun ang sapátus basta limpiyáhan, Shoes will look new if you clean them. {2} [AP1B1; a] change s.t. for the better, become better. Dì ka gánì magbag-u, If you dont reform. Nagbag-u sila sa ílang panagway, They made their faces over anew. {3} [A12; c] obtain s.t. new. Nakabag-u siyag awtu pagkadaug sa swipstik, He got a new car when he won the sweepstakes. Bag-úhan (baghúan) kug ligid ang ákung dyíp, Ill buy new tires for my jeep. Unsa mang gumáha ang ímung ibag-u? What brand of tires are you go-ing to replace them with? {4} [b4] feel strange, unaccustomed. Naglísud pa siya kay gibag-úhan pa sa trabáhu, Hes having a hard time because hes unaccustomed to the work. {5} -ng túig [B256; b4(1)] for it to be New Years. paN- nga túig v [A2; c] celebrate New Years. Didtu mi sa Hungkung mamag-ung túig, We celebrated New Years in H. K. -in- a modern. Ang binag-ung paági sa panguma, The modern way of farming. v [B15] change. Nagbinag-u nga nadátù, He changed when he became rich. mabinag-úhun a fond of modern things. bag-úhay a short while ago. Bag-úhay pa lang giyud tung nilakaw si Ramun, Ramon left just a while ago.